Netflix Randomize Queue
2005-05-31 09:41 - Greasemonkey User Scripts
If you're like me, when using Netflix, you'll browse around a bit for movies and then thanks to the genre sections or just the recommendations have a bunch of comedies in a row, then a bunch of thrillers, etc, etc. I always wanted a feature to simply shuffle up the order of the queue and now I have it!
Install this Greasemonkey user script and you will get a new button on your netflix queue page. Select any movies in your queue and they will be shuffled in place. This means, i.e., if you do not select the first movie, that one will definetly stay first. Combines well with Jesse Ruderman's Check Range script for selecting a bunch at a time.
1.1 - When no movies are selected, user is presented with the option to randomize them all.